Can industrial tourism help revitalize Japan’s manufacturing regions? | The Japan Times

2022-10-01 04:43:03 By : Ms. Sophia Tang

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In a YouTube preview of a metalworking factory tour, Ritsu Yamada, a representative of the Tsubame-Sanjo Factory Festival, steps into a cacophony of industrial sounds.

He is guided through the buildings of tool manufacturer Maruto Hasegawa, where giant mechanical hammers pound slabs of red-hot metal while furnaces and heavy machinery hiss and whir in the background. Viewers catch glimpses of craftspeople diligently operating the machines, finessing metal components and assembling tools, before Yamada is led to an onsite store to peruse the company’s finished products — a vast array of pliers, clippers and other implements.

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Can industrial tourism help revitalize Japan’s manufacturing regions?

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